Connecticut VARA
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The Valley Amateur Radio Association operates and maintains a repeater for public use. To help cover equipment and operational costs, we ask you to make a donation to our repeater fund. Details about this fund and the repaeater status are reported at our monthly member meetings. Thank you for your support.

VARA Repeaters

Call Band Frequency CTCSS Offset Mode
W1VAR 2m 146.985 141.3 -600 kHz FM Voice
W1VAR 70cm 446.975 Temp. Offline 141.3 -5 MHz FM Voice


The VARA net meets every Tuesday at 8PM on the 2m (146.985) repeater.

Other Local Repeaters

Call Band Frequency CTCSS Offset Mode
WK1M 2m 145.190 77 -600 kHz FM Voice
WK1M 70cm 442.900 77 +5 mHz FM Voice
K1SOX 2m 147.505 77 -1 mHz FM Voice, ecolink

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